October Release | Transactions Drill Downs, Subcategories in Operational Plans and More

Now available in Telemetry

Our team released two big features this week ready to take your team to the next level answering questions for your teams and clients.

Transactions and Journal Entries, Now Available in Drill-Downs

Telemetry has always enabled exploration of your actuals by supplier or customer, but now you can drill-down even further with one simple click - all the way down to the final journal entry with the notes.

To use the feature, look for any actuals number highlighted in the primary link color. Simply click and select your preferred view.  Click any number highlighted in the primary link color to advance to more detail from there!

And any data table you see is downloadable.

Add Subcategories to Your Operations Plans

Operational plans are customized to communicate most effectively with your team and clients.  Our new functionality will enable the creation of subcategories on the Telemetry platform. You can now further organize your custom line items to your heart's content.

Period Date Ranges

As periods are selected, you’ll now see the exact dates the platform is using for comparison.

New Cash Flow Visualization

Our cash flow charts have been updated to bring you more information.

Pro Tips

Create your own custom KPIs

Does your business track leading indicators such as deal volume, manufacturing units, or user sessions? Any monthly data can now be uploaded via your Excel models to report out to your team. Simply map and name the data using Telemetry spreadsheet add-in, then create your preferred visualization using our new chart builder!

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