September Release | Customers & Suppliers, Insights Headcount, Telemetry Pro Updates and More

Now available in Telemetry

Our latest features will allow you to save time, build better relationships, and generate more profit. This month, we have a big new launch, letting you access and evaluate your customers and suppliers quicker than ever before.

Insights: Customers and Suppliers

As revenue and cost fluctuations hit businesses, we often receive questions about how to best explore suppliers and customers data. To do this, we’ve built out a destination within Insights, enabling instant comparison and transaction drill-downs. It's never been easier to stay on top of your revenue and spending drivers. See it in action here.

  • Rapid discovery: Easily locate any Customer or Supplier using our lightning-fast typeahead search
  • Effortlessly monitor changes: Instantly spot deltas between any two periods
  • Empower your data: Seamlessly download tables for use in your spreadsheets
  • Unlock insights: Explore every transaction and journal entry detail by simply clicking on any number

Insights: Headcount

Now you'll now be able to track payroll with our new headcount section. Simply log in and integrate your HRIS data from any one of our 30+ providers to set up this new feature in Insights. Additionally, all charts and tables are downloadable into your preferred spreadsheet format.

Telemetry Pro Updates

If you are a financial firm using Telemetry Pro for your clients, you’ll also see a few more upgrades to help you engage your clients more effectively.

Client ERP Status Updates
Pro users can now see which of your clients have connected ERPs directly from your client management console and manage from there.

Branding and Contact Details
Your firm’s branding, color scheme, and contact details are now persistent, ensuring that your clients associate value with your amazing people and brand.

Variance Tables now available in Bookkeeper
If you are a subscriber to our Bookkeeper subscription, you’ll now see our variance tool available to your clients on the subscription.

Are you an accounting firm?

Check out Telemetry Pro

Telemetry Pro ensures your firm stays top of mind with your clients by:If you are an accounting, bookkeeping, or outsourced CFO firm, you get Telemetry Pro for free for your first two clients.

  • Providing a fully firm-branded client portal with logo, color scheme, and personal contact info.
  • Replacing emailed PDFs and file exchanges with a self-service web destination.
  • Onboarding new clients in minutes with an easy and intuitive client management console.

If you are an accounting, bookkeeping, or outsourced CFO firm, you get Telemetry Pro for free for your first two clients.

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Pro Tips

Download Any Data Table
Telemetry works hard to make your data more accessible to your team. Any data table within the tool can be downloaded for your spreadsheets. Simply use the down arrow icon on any table including statements, reports, variance, sub plans, and drill downs.

Telemetry Staffed Onboarding
If you are looking at the best way to train your team, or help building your first model in Telemetry, our team is always ready to help.

Book time with us here to get started today.

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